Life Skills Education
With access to the right learning experiences, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential as young adults.
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Parent/Guardian Support
At Safe Havynn Education Center, we are dedicated to supporting parents and guardians who want to teach their teen to be health conscious.
Our Mission
Our mission is to be the Safe Havynn for children, teenagers and parents. No matter who you are, we are here to provide you with a non-judgmental environment where you can get the information you seek and the skillset you need to move forward.
Our Principles
Respect lays the foundation for consent, confidentiality, and judgement-free zones. No matter where you are in life, we want you to thrive and we’re here with you.
We also teach and encourage boundaries. At SHEC, we do not press forward unless you are fully informed and enthusiastically ready to move forward in a positive direction. We do not judge. In a single moment, we may be in a different situation than where we currently sit. It takes a team to live this life. Whatever is said to one of our team members, stays between you and that team member… unless you are being harmed by someone, you are planning on harming yourself, or if someone else is being harmed. If you are unsure your situation falls under one of those three categories, feel free to “ask for a friend”. Respect is fully given, even before its earned.

Our Kickback Calendar
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